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KCDC's Pre-Tiny Company is for dancers between the ages of 5-7 who are interested in furthering their dance education by joining the ranks of our competition program as the youngest Company team we have!

The Pre-Tiny Company dancers practice Monday, Wednesdays, and Saturdays and they study in the disciplines of tap, jazz, ballet, lyrical, and acro. They learn three dances to compete at each of our 3 regionals and at our nationals alongside the Company. This is an accelerated and FUN program! If you are interested in having your darling dancer participate in this amazing performance opportunity, email us to set up a private audition.

KCDC Pre-Tiny Company Auditions.jpg
KANSAS CITY DANCE COMPANY     email:​       tel: 816.379.0607       801 NE Rice Road Lee's Summit, MO 64086
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